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National Account

National Accounts (or National Account System) involves the implementation of complete and consistent accounting techniques for measuring the economic activity of a nation.

Ghana currently prides itself with the Gross Domestic Product, Supply and Use Tables (SUT) and Social Accounting matrix techniques to measure the economic activities carried out in the country.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total value of time,usually annually or quarterly. Ghana has regularly been compiling quarterly estimates since 2013.

Basically, the normal and real GDP are computed across the globe. Nominal GDP estimates are commonly used to determine the structure of te economy whereas real GDP affords users the posibility to assess economic performance even among sectors. There are three approches adopted for producing GDP. Ghana currently produces GDP estimates using the expenditure and production approach. More information is being explored to also produce estimates by the income approach

Based on availability of informationGDP estimates may either be projected, provisional,revised or final.
